Sunday 18 April 2021

Black cattle painting - Angus cow, welsh black cows

 This week's painting is a surreal twist on a black cattle painting, check out the finished cow painting 'Welcome to the edge' here: Materials used: A2 Daler Rowney mixed media paper; Synthetic brushes: round mop, flat, small round, filbert Winsor and Newton Professional Watercolors: alizarin crimson, cerulean blue, ultramarine blue, cadmium yellow, violet ChromaInc Atelier interactive acrylics: cerulean blue, titanium white, alizarin crimson

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year 2022 - I entered


Real-time demo here:
In this video, I take you through the creation of a self portrait painting that I created for my entry to Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year 2022 - mostly used interactive acrylics for this one. Check out the finished painting here:

Sunday 4 April 2021

Black cattle painting

 'Let's get together' - check out the finished painting here: This week, I take you through a real-time demo of a painting of four black cattle. These 4 steer were encountered in a field on the outskirts of Exeter in Devon, Uk and I was struck by the multitude of colors in their gleaming coats along with the ever-changing patterns they created as the herd moves around. Cow paintings (well these are steer actually) are one of my favourite subjects, I hope that you enjoy the video! Materials used: Daler Rowney A2 Mixed Media Paper; Blue watercolor marker pen, Conventional Acrylics: System 3, titanium white & fluorescents: red, yellow, blue, pink; titanium white. Interactive acrylics: titanium white, tinting white, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, cadmium yellow deep, burnt umber. Brushes: 2" decorating brush, 1" and half inch synthetic flats; small filbert and small round (both synthetic)

Sunday 28 February 2021

Chartwell Gardens Surreal Painting - Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year 2021

We're up to episode 4 of the Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year 2021. Unable to attend as a wildcard artist due to travel restrictions, I decide to paint the scene from my TV. You can see the finished painting here:

Materials used: A2 Daler Rowney mixed media paper; Peacock blue watercolor marker pen; medium synthetic flat and round watercolour brushes. Winsor & Newton Professional Watercolours: French ultramarine and Cerulean blues, Alizarin crimson and Cadmium yellow light, Burnt umber and Neutral tint. Chroma interactive acrylics: titanium white; alizarin crimson; french ultramarine blue; cadmium yellow light; burnt umber, orange; synthetic brushes: flats 0.5inch and 0.75inch, small filbert

Monday 15 February 2021

Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year 2021 - episode 3 - West Reservoir London - Inktense painting

Inktense travel set sketch of the West Reservoir in London. See the finished painting here: This painting was inspired by Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year 2021 episode 3 Materials: Inktense travel set, A2 Daler Rowney mixed media paper, water brushes flat and round. #LAOTY #LandscapeArtistoftheYear

Sunday 7 February 2021

Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year 2021 - episode 2 - West Wycombe Park - Swans watercolor painting demo

 See the zoomable hires watercolor painting 'Gliding by' here: This week, inspired by episode 2 of Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year 2021, I take you through a real time demo of a watercolour painting of 2 swans on the lake at West Wycombe Park in Buckinghamshire in England. The painting is created using a little bit of sharpie marker and then the rest is done in impressionist watercolor, the swans are deliberately left partially transparent to reflect the idea that they are moving and we are just getting to glimpse a moment in time. Materials: A2 The Langton watercolor paper, synthetic bruhses, large round mop; large, med and small flats and a small round. Winsor & Newton Professional Watercolours: French ultramarine and Cerulean blues, Alizarin crimson and Cadmium yellow light. Chroma titanium white interactive acrylic, Sharpie marker pens (light and medium blues) #LAOTY #LandscapeArtistoftheYear

Sunday 31 January 2021

Lost and found edges in impressionist watercolor painting of a restaurant interior

 'This place is really popular' - check out the finished watercolor painting of this restaurant interior here: In this week's Sunday Art Show, I take you through a real-time demo of how to use watercolour to create a loose and lively restaurant interior painting. Watercolor is applied in fluid washes taking account of the big shapes in the scene, working from light to dark. As these washes mingle, colour mixing effects and naturally occurring edges are created. Once dry, a ball point pen is used to add defining line work in key areas. Some areas are deliberately left untouched. Then, more opaque watercolor paint is added to enhance the contrast and some detail here and there to create and energetic impressionist scene fully of the buzz of a busy lunch time. Materials used: A3 The Langton watercolour paper, synthetic brushes, Winsor and Newton professional watercolours: Alizarin Crimson, French Ultrmarine Blue, Cadmium Yellow Light, Burnt Umber, Neutral Tint and a blue biro.

Monday 25 January 2021

Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year - Chartwell House - Episode 1

 This week, I paint Chartwell House in England using watercolor and a little ballpoint pen. You can see the finished painting here: In this real-time demo, I begin with a very loose application of watercolour and then gradually define areas of light and dark. Next, I add a few biro lines to include some minimalist drawing. The finishing stages include adding more watercolor and biro to enhance the texture and detail. Enjoyed creating this watercolor painting of a large house in the English countryside. Materials used: A2 The Langton textured watercolor paper; Winsor and Newton Professional watercolour paints: Cerulean blue, French ultramarine blue, Alizarin crimson, Cadmium red, Cadmium yellow light, Neutral tint; Brushes are all synthetic: Jackson's Raven No 6 Round Mop; Artdiscount own brand small round, generic flat approx half inch wide, Princeton Neptune 1" oval wash; Matthew Palmer branch and detail brush (small) and a No 1 rigger by Daler Rowney; Ball point pens are just random biros I had: dark blue and a light blue. #laoty #LandscapeArtistoftheYear #SkyArts #ChartwellHouse #laoty2021 #episode1

Sunday 17 January 2021

Highland Cow Painting

 This week, I do a real time demo showing how to paint some Scottish Highland cows complete with long shaggy coats and big horns. You can see the finished painting here: This was actually a work in progress from 11 years ago, I had previously created a mixed media drawing from the same reference that you can see here: Materials: For the painting, I had already put down a base layer of conventional acrylic on A2 mixed media paper by Daler Rowney. Over the top of this I use Chroma Atelier interactive acrylics: alizarin crimson, french ultramarine blue, cadmium yellow light, tinting white, titanium white and burnt umber. Brushes: flat synthetics and a small filbert. #highlandcowpainting #highlandcow #highlandcows #howtopaintacow

Sunday 10 January 2021

Belted galloway cows on the beach surreal watercolour painting

 'Belties at Budleigh' see the finished painting here: This week, I paint some belted galloway cows on the pebble beach at Budleigh Salterton in Devon, England to create a surreal watercolor painting. For the first part of the painting, created while sitting on the beach, working plein air, I used watercolour to capture and enhance the vibrant colours in the tree-topped red cliffs of the Jurassic Coast. Then, once I returned to the studio, I continued using watercolor paint along with some watercolour marker pens to add a surreal element to the painting, three belted galloway cattle are added to the scene, one at the water's edge, one actually standing on the water, and the main beltie in the foreground actually standing beyond the edges of the scene! Materials used: Winsor and Newton Professional Watercolours: Alizarin Crimson, French Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Yellow Light, Burnt Umber, Neutral Tint. Spectrum Noir Watercolour Marker Pens (Peacock Blue). Chroma atelier interactive acrylic titanium white. Daler Rowney A2 mixed media paper Esta semana, pinto algunas vacas galloway con cinturón en la playa de guijarros de Budleigh Salterton en Devon, Inglaterra, para crear una pintura de acuarela surrealista. Para la primera parte de la pintura, creada mientras estaba sentado en la playa, trabajando al aire libre, utilicé acuarela para capturar y realzar los colores vibrantes en los acantilados rojos cubiertos de árboles de la Costa Jurásica. Luego, una vez que regresé al estudio, continué usando pintura de acuarela junto con algunos rotuladores de acuarela para agregar un elemento surrealista a la pintura, se agregan tres ganado galloway con cinturón a la escena, uno en la orilla del agua, uno realmente parado en el agua, ¡y el cinturón principal en primer plano realmente parado más allá de los bordes de la escena! 本周,我在英格兰德文郡Budleigh Salterton的卵石海滩上画了一些腰带盖洛威牛,以创作超现实的水彩画。 对于这幅画的第一部分,它是坐在沙滩上,在柔和的空气中创作的,我用水彩画捕捉并增强了侏罗纪海岸树顶红色悬崖上鲜艳的色彩。 然后,回到工作室后,我继续使用水彩颜料和一些水彩笔在画中添加了超现实的元素,在场景中添加了三头带腰带的盖洛韦牛,其中一头位于水边,另一头实际上站在水边。 水,前景中的主要腰带实际上站在场景的边缘之外! Diese Woche male ich einige Galloway-Kühe mit Gürtel am Kieselstrand von Budleigh Salterton in Devon, England, um ein surreales Aquarell zu schaffen. Für den ersten Teil des Gemäldes, das ich am Strand im Freien erstellt habe, habe ich Aquarell verwendet, um die leuchtenden Farben in den baumbestandenen roten Klippen der Juraküste einzufangen und zu verbessern. Als ich dann ins Studio zurückkehrte, verwendete ich weiterhin Aquarellfarbe zusammen mit einigen Aquarellmarkierungsstiften, um dem Gemälde ein surreales Element hinzuzufügen. Der Szene wurden drei Galloway-Rinder mit Gürtel hinzugefügt, eines am Wasser, eines tatsächlich auf dem Wasser und der Hauptgürtel im Vordergrund stehen tatsächlich hinter den Rändern der Szene! Cette semaine, je peins des vaches Galloway ceinturées sur la plage de galets de Budleigh Salterton dans le Devon, en Angleterre, pour créer une aquarelle surréaliste. Pour la première partie de la peinture, créée alors que j'étais assis sur la plage, travaillant en plein air, j'ai utilisé l'aquarelle pour capturer et améliorer les couleurs vibrantes des falaises rouges surmontées d'arbres de la côte jurassique. Puis, une fois de retour au studio, j'ai continué à utiliser de la peinture à l'aquarelle avec quelques marqueurs aquarelle pour ajouter un élément surréaliste à la peinture, trois bovins galloway ceinturés sont ajoutés à la scène, un au bord de l'eau, un debout sur le l'eau, et la ceinture principale au premier plan se tenant au-delà des bords de la scène! Den här veckan målar jag några galloway-kor med bälte på stenstranden vid Budleigh Salterton i Devon, England för att skapa en surrealistisk akvarellmålning. För den första delen av målningen, skapad när jag satt på stranden och arbetade plein air, använde jag akvarell för att fånga och förstärka de livfulla färgerna i de röda klipporna på Jurassic Coast. När jag väl återvände till studion fortsatte jag med att använda vattenfärgfärg tillsammans med några vattenfärgpennor för att lägga till ett surrealistiskt element i målningen, tre bältade galloway-nötkreatur läggs till på scenen, en vid vattnet, en som faktiskt står på vatten och huvudbandet i förgrunden som faktiskt står utanför scenens kanter!